Saturday, December 16, 2023

After Two Months in Paraguay We are Getting the Hang of It

Our friend from the office Sandra sent us this quote and said "this is you." That is probably the hardest thing about being in Paraguay, that it is so far away so our kids and grandkids won't be able to come visit. 

Chris was asked to be the second adult in the Young Women on Sunday. She was able to read in Spanish and bear her testimony. She felt safe as the bishop's wife Nancy and Kavy, the only young woman, could both speak a little English and were very kind in helping pronounce and speak slowly so Chris could understand.

Now that we are getting the hang of things on our own mission we were able to invite the younger missionaries over on Sunday for a dinner. You would have thought we did some great thing but all we had were tacos, ice cream and peanut butter cookies. As three of them were from the states they were so thrilled to have a meal that was familiar. It is always amazing to be with the younger missionaries. They really sacrifice so much to serve the Lord.
School is out for summer break until February so last week we received about 10 solicitudes from organizations trying to get them in before break. Lots of check ins and visiting in our future but this week was a lot of organizing and reaching out. We love to make visits but we also like the days we can get our to-do list accomplished and we had a few days like that this week. 
Monday the internet was out at the office due to a lightning strike so we worked from home. Chris also shrunk our brand new 100% cotton Humanitarian shirts in the dryer and had to soak them in cold water and stretch them out to dry over the next two days.
Our office furniture arrived and is in the office, we are now waiting for electricity before we move in. When we left on Friday afternoon we heard the promise of mañana for that to be finished. We shall see.
This was our Christmas Devotional and Asado on Thursday. The picture with the Christmas tree is our appetizers: mandioca, sauté onions and peppers, sausage, chicken hearts, sopa paraguaya (cornbread) and Paraguayan garlic bread (not sure how they make it but  it has the fresh garlic inside like a filling, heavenly). On the right you can see how many different meats we had to choose from.There were more meat choices than vegetable choices.
We were able to have our picture taken
This is our friend Sandra. She is so awesome. We eat lunch with her most days that we are in the office. She is very kind and takes good care of us. She has a twin sister that lives in Ogden.
Here we are with Sandra and Nelida (below). Nelida is our buyer. She is so important in making our humanitarian projects work. We are so lucky to have her on our team. She is the best in the South America South Area and that is not just our word either.
Funny story about the ornaments below sent from the main office in Salt Lake City. We are not entirely sure if the nativity scene ornament were back up or left over from last year, but the reindeer ornaments were given out first to everyone. Problem: in Paraguay the reindeer has a double meaning that a man is having an affair or has a mistress. Oops, missed some cultural awareness. We will never look at reindeer in the same way. Most people traded out the reindeer for the nativity scene.
We were assigned to take some of the centerpiece trees back to the guard and cleaning lady at the office. We also grabbed one for the Elders that live across the street from us. There were transfers this week and we have a brand new elder fresh from the States. It will be nice to give him a little Christmas cheer.
Parque de Navidad. Saw this while driving to our Christmas Devotional. There were lots of booths and a huge metal Christmas tree in the center. Not sure what all goes on but sure it is busy in the evenings. Something different.
It is always fun to see something that reminds us of home. Paraguay has some beautiful unique flower and foliage but on our way out of the temple we spotted a bed of marigolds. Hardy, they will make it through the heat of the Paraguayan summer.
It is easier as a senior missionary, we make our own schedule, we can shop and do laundry on days other than preparation day. We can call home whenever we want, watch movies, and work from home but just like when we were younger missionaries our faith in the Savior Jesus Christ and our need to access the power of His atoning sacrifice is still continually tested and strengthened on our mission. It is a great feeling to drink from that well of life giving water each day as we try and do His will.
Scripture share is from Alma 37: 33-34, 36-7
This is Alma's final counsel to his missionary son but it has relevance to us all. When we see this counsel with God's perspective and not as carnal men it will inspire us to change. Are we all using our faith in Christ unto repentance and changing to be more like, turning toward and preparing to meet God? Or are we pridefully hanging on to our own shortsighted picture and plan. Our mission has allowed us to see a greater need in our lives to change our complete view, to His  full view and not fear the things He asks of us because He has the power to deliver and He wants us to succeed and have joy.

"Preach unto them repentance, and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ; teach them to humble themselves and to be meek and lowly in heart; teach them to withstand every temptation of the devil, with their faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls.

Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good;"

This week as we prepare for Christmas, let Him in and adore Him and His way!


1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your mission! Thank you for sharing so much. Merry Christmas to both of you, dear friends!


Our Meridian in Time

 Zoom went this week in such pleasant and happy ways! Lots of love from all over shined on us and it felt wonderful and helped us get throug...