Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Power of His Name

It is great to feel the love people have for the calling of missionary and carrying His name on our tags. Many times this week we were asked to be in pictures just because we were missionaries. Even when Chris bought temple garments at the distribution center she didn't need to show her temple recommend, the cashier said the badge was enough.
This first picture was when we did get to the Bishop's Storehouse to drop off the supplies we bought and they stopped everything because they wanted to get a picture with us. Everyone in this picture is a consecrated servant. They volunteer on Tuesdays and Thursday from 5:30-9 AM to help fill food orders for those in need. We may be physically taller but their hearts and service are as large and influencial as ours.
It was Hermana Gray's birthday on Sunday and she was still recovering from Dengue. We still tried to make it a good day for her. Check out that homemade HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign.
Monday and Tuesday sped by with lots of computer work and organizing. Does it seem like that is much of what we do? It is. 
Wednesday night we had bad storms and the power was off and on from about 9pm-1am and then off until after we left for work. Normally it isn't a big deal to be without power when you sleep unless you have a CPAP like we both do. Needless to say Thursday we were sleepy and couldn't take showers but pressed on.
Actually Thursday was a dream day for Chris. First, we visited a small health clinic. 

We are excited to hear from the doctor he is 90% sure he is getting a new building a kilometer down the road. Three of four times in the last few years they have been broken into for drugs. Last time the robbers cut a hole in the roof. Second, we finally found an open fabric store where some of the fabric you buy by the kilo. Third, we tried paraguayan Pizza Hut. It was amazing, as good if not better than the ones at home.
Fourth after some more computer work and contacting we may have a meeting with the Senator over the Ministry of Education and finally a temple date to do sealings. Just that morning we read Elder Christofferson's talk on Sealing where he teaches that sealing is part of every ordinance. Interesting because if you listen to the words of a sealing of husband to wife it mentions "all covenants and ordinances." When an ordinance is sealed it means it is of God. He gave his authority. Interesting that this ordinance of sealing allows us to proclaim to Him that we want to be part of His family and do things He asks us to do and receive the blessings He wants us to have.
Friday we spent the day with the 13-14 year old church members from all over Paraguay at For the Strength of Youth Conference (PFJ in spanish). They are amazing and so kind to us, we kind of felt like celebrities but we know it was again because of His name on our badge. Because there has not been Humanitarian Service missionaries in Paraguay for a long time and really there is only one senior couple in each of the two missions of Paraguay I think some of the youth didn't realize how average we are but requested our picture and wanted us to sign their books just like their friends.
We are also grateful for the young single adult counselors and adult couples that organized the service activity so well and really only left us to take pictures and visit with the youth.
Some beautiful and new things we've found in Paraguay this week are a beautiful yellow blossoming tree and a fruit that grows on a vine that looks like a green apple. Tried to google it but didn't find anything.
News from home: our basement stairs were finally carpeted right before Christmas!
Looking forward to P-day cleaning and rest to prepare to worship on Sunday. Sunday is our first  crack at teaching English Connect 2 class.

Spiritual Thought is about the Power of Christ's name. It comes from Hymn #335 Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy.

Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;

Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,

Trying now to make the harbor,

In the darkness may be lost.

Let the lower lights be burning;

Send a gleam across the wave.

Some poor fainting, struggling seaman

You may rescue, you may save.

      We feel quite feeble but it is us trying to reflect Christ's light to others that can help rescue and save them. When we align our lower light with His and do the things He and our Father ask of us like He did, we reflect his light and truth. It isn't us, it is Him, given to us by the Father if we believe and act in faith to be like Him. Taking His name upon us means we want to be like Him. What have you seen this week that shows His power, love, grace or goodness in your life? Recognize it and use that power of remembering that moment to move forward.

Have a great week, stay safe wherever you are in the world.


  1. It is so wonderful to read your blog posts and hear about the work you are doing. I am learning a lot and love to hear your stories. It is an amazing window into how the church members are doing in another country.

  2. Thanks for your example, hard work, sacrifice and humility. Love all the insights. You guys represent a powerful witness of the Savior. We love you and pray for your continued success. With love Rhod

  3. Sounds like your mission is hearing all your sister grand son was just called to the Philippines


Our Meridian in Time

 Zoom went this week in such pleasant and happy ways! Lots of love from all over shined on us and it felt wonderful and helped us get throug...