Friday, March 15, 2024

Another Week in the Books

 This was a bitter sweet week in a few ways. To begin the week we had our last supper with some excellent missionaries who are returning home after serving their missions. We will miss Hermana Nogales and Elder Sherwood mucho! We had spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread, and sautéd zuchinni, onions and tomatoes for dinner with cinnamon rolls and ice cream for dessert. These young missionaries work so hard with lots of rejection so it is nice to love them up. We had our final game of Qwirkle and a message and they were off.

Monday came and we took our first Bolt ride (Uber). Up to this point we had been a little aprehensive of taking it but Bolt is what the young missionaries take so it must be safe, right? Parking is so difficult in the city that it was so much easier to do it this way. Woohoo for brave new experiences.
We visited with the Vice Minister of Superior Education or what we call Higher Education. He is supposed to be getting us a visit with the Vice Minister of Escuela Basica (PK-12) soon so we can find a project to partner on. They are looking for air conditioners and libraries for PK-12 and computer systems to get all the universities, private and public, to report and communicate with the Ministry. We shared about BYUPathway and EnglishConnect.
Monday afternoon the bitter pill of bureacracy had to be swallowed. Ken takes it down well, but Chris is still choking on it. From every direction getting different direction without clear direction is a crazy maker. Difficult to move forward. But Tuesday came and the Appels called and our granddaughter Lany made us smile again. We also had a meeting at the ice cream shop across the street with one of our mission presidents, he always makes us smile.
Wednesday started out great. Chris is getting braver with her Spanish and she went to the copy shop to get the Mistolar family pictures printed. Success, thanks to patient clerks and Google Translate. She has also had conversations with the apartment guard and some of the ladies at church. Wednesday was also our grandson, Kenny's birthday and in the evening, we got to see the whole family on Facetime, which was another bright spot in our week.
Thursday came and Ken left a little early for the office and empanadas and Chris thought she would follow but felt weak and ended up staying home. She even missed the temple date that night so you know she really wasn't feeling well. We did however get the pictures from the first Returned Missionary Business in a Box, a landscaper. Can we get another Woot Woot!?

Friday was school day. We visited 2 schools. This is one of their libraries, and so we understand the request from the vice minister a little better.
This is their water station.

At the second school they'd like new playground equipment for the littles. Below is what they have now. We are hoping we can help with that.

Great news this week:
Our project we inherited that was about a year old when we got it has finally been purchased. It is a automated dermatome that helps with skin grafts so that healing time and infection should decrease and the time between skin harvest will decrease. This is being donated to the National Burn hospital so it will help lots of people.
We were also able to get a few projects that had loose ends tied up. 

Saturday we have a meeting with a NGO and the Area Seventy about a nutrition project in Paraguay. (yes, we are working on our pday again.) We are really not sure what is going to happen and have had little direction through our specialists in Salt Lake. This is when things get a little unsure and messy for us because the lines of authority and heirarchy are a little blurred. Haha stay tuned because we will be battered around like a ping pong ball before things will be settled and a project is decided upon.

We just remember that Christ experienced the pain of all we feel because of our own shortcomings and the shortcomings of others yet He still chose to go through it all for us. He is there waiting to help us through our own Gethsemane as we remember Him always. Because of Him we can have hope to make it through to the other side of our trials, afflictions and circumstances. He lives and loves us all. Walk with Him.
Moroni Ward Relief Society

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