Saturday, March 23, 2024

Still not Easter but We are Turning Our Clocks Back Tonight in Paraguay

 Saturday's meeting was fantastic. We visited with some of the church leaders of Paraguay and one of our favorite NGO's. We smiled, laughed and enjoyed each other's company. We learned a lot about the NGO's plans to move forward to help nutrition in Paraguay and we shared the amazing program the Church has to put in place through the wards and branches, that covers everything they were talking about and more. We will meet up again soon.
The rest of the day we just relaxed and good thing we did because Sunday was busy. We woke up to an invite to Zoom the Sioux City Stake Conference where Chris's brother was called as the new Stake President. So we went to our ward and stayed for sacrament meeting and then came home to listen to the stake conference. While at church we met Kent Cannack, from Phoenix, AZ who served his mission in Uruguay and Paraguay in 1972-73. He and his wife, Nolene were visiting around his mission. It is a trip they had planned since he returned from his mission. They have their mission papers ready but are waiting for some health clearance and hoping that comes soon. They would love to be Humanitarian missionaries somewhere where Kent served. We spent the whole afternoon eating and visiting about all the great projects we have had the opportunity to be a part of and answering their questions about what we do in Paraguay. It was a lovely afternoon and they left right before our English Connect 2 class started.
We love our English Connect 2 class and hope to remember to take a picture to share one of these week.
Any of the women who have not listened to the worldwide Relief Society devotional and testimony meeting, take the time to watch and listen. And also reread Sister Johnsons talk from April 2023, Jesus is Relief. Chris loves how Sister Johnson shared the entomology of relief. Eye opening to the reason Sister Johnson testifies that "Jesus is Relief." Makes being part of the "Relief" Society (the Church's women's organization) a deeper experience than what Chris once thought.
Monday came and Chris stayed home to work on a model and directions for mammography capes, We are hoping the Relief Societies will make the capes as a service project in the stakes where the digitilizer for the mammography machines are being donating . Chris will probably be making them longer and adding another tie. Right now the model is with one of the doctors for his approval.
While Chris was working at home, Ken was at the office experiencing miracles. Another former missionary that served in Paraguay showed up at the office. He lives in Boise and works in water conditioning. So many missionaries that served here in Paraguay are still trying to help grow the country because of the love they have for the people here. Remember we have been praying about what to do to help in Mistolar with their salty water. This guy even has charity hours he can use. Stay tune to see what happens next. Later in the week we got word that the facilities arm of the Church is looking into fixing the desalinization process in Mistolar. That would be so helpful. We hope they also teach and train them how to maintain and take care of it.

Tuesday we went to see Banco de Ojos, a non government foundation that helps those who can't afford to have eye exams, glasses fit or surgery done if needed. They have a big piece of equipment that was supposed to have been donated by the Church 2 missionary couples ago but something held it up and we thought it was dead in the water from what we had heard. Thank goodness these things are the Lord's errand and we are now moving through the approval process again with hopes it will happen.
On Wednesday we had some ladies from a Puesto de Salud that we are trying to help because their building flooded and there was also a fire and they now have no permanant building. It is complicated to share the whole story about the project but they came to the office to visit with us and plead their case. We hope we can get them the containers that they are requesting soon. There are so many dedicated Paraguayans working hard to help people here in Paraguay. It is beautiful.
Chris's mom always said "If you don't have anything good to say,  don't say anything at all." And that was most of Thursday for us. But prayers are answered and Heavenly Father knows us and will give us personal ways we can be strengthened in circumstances beyond our control if we humbly listen and accept the help He gives.
Friday was temple day. Partly because Chris continues to get the date for Easter wrong and she thought it was Good Friday and that no one else would be working. It was a good friday for us. We enjoyed from morning until noon in the temple. Then we tried a new restaurant for lunch that we were able to be in and out of within 45 mins or less which never happens in Paraguay. It tasted good too. Forgot to take a pictures. We headed back to the temple to do some sealings in the evening.
And we had fabulous bookend Saturdays. We had the entrega ceremony for one of our first beginning to end projects. You can tell by the smile on Dra Natalia's face how much this donation from the Church will help her do her job. She sees the hand of the Lord in this projects and that is worth everything. 
Our participation medals for our help. So sweet.
Ken getting a few word in with the press! He's a real TV personality. We really try and not be in pictures or TV but they sought us out in the back room.
Three spiritual thoughts this week:
1. Heavenly Father and the Savior have the same goals we have for ourselves but generally their timing is different and because of their perspective,  they know better options to help us get where we really want to go even if they are hard and not always fun.  No one else needs to see or affirm our efforts. More light will come as we follow the light we have already been given. we will never grow out of lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way, teach me all that I must do to live with You someday.
2,  Enos 1:17 And I (We), Enos (Chris and Ken), knew it would be according to the covenant which he (the Savior) had made; wherefore my (ours) soul(s) did rest. 3. Omni 1:26 I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption.
In the Spanish language instead of partake it uses the word participaseis. See the root, participate! We can not have salvation without the Savior but we need to make the choice to participate in it. How are you participating in your salvation?

We love you all. We miss you. We wish someone would come and visit us. We are learning and growing and stretching. We feel the Lord is pleased with our efforts! Have a great week.

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