Saturday, April 20, 2024

A Week of Patiently Seeing Things Come Together

 How we love being in Paraguay and working with the people here, enjoying their company, their devotion and their kindness!

Saturday and Sunday was stake conference at a meeting house a few miles from our apartment. We had to take Bolt (like Uber) to get there but were always taken home by sweet members who wanted to help us. It was the first time that all the music including congregational hymns were accompanied by an acoustic guitar. We also enjoyed hearing the hymns of the choir in Guarani. Here are some audio recordings that Ken made Come Ye Children of the Lord and How Great Thou Art.

After coming home we celebrated Hermana Goñi's hard work and completion of her mission. The elders were supposed to come but Elder Ensign was sick so we enjoyed time with the Sisters. In the evening we enjoyed out English Connect class.
Ñanduti lace picture in the Ministra's office. Chris saw it the first time we were there and loved it. Paraguayan Pinterest Project for Chris

Monday was an 11 hour day with a working lunch. We visited the Ministra of Health and all we got was this picture. 

At the Ministry of Public Health and Welfare: Chris, Ken Elder/Colonel/Dr. Riverola (area seventy), La Ministra Teresa Baran, Vice Ministro Garcia, Head of International Relations Dra. Amarilla, Hermana Giselle(Churchdirector of communications/gov't relations Paraguay)

At the time it seemed like three hours we would never get back spent smoozing with powerful people without progress but the visit was a catalyst for an avalanche of hopefully successful projects that will help the people of Paraguay. Blessings aren't always fulfilled the way we picture them or completely finished in moments.

Tuesday was a beautiful 65°F and we got a picture of the leaves in the Paraguayan fall (spring in the U.S.). It was fun to hear the crunch of leaves as we walked down the sidewalk. This whole week we've enjoyed pleasant temperatures and have had our airconditioner off.
Sometimes it is easy to blame the missionaries for why things are slow or why things aren't getting done but on Wednesday we were able to make connections and move ahead on projects we have been waiting on for weeks. Maybe by the time we are going home and we are all used to the different ways we all do things, they will go more smoothly and quickly. Very exciting news about agreements being approved by legal and signed with a hospital and a clinic we have been waiting since February to start purchasing equipment for.

We can't sign the agreement(someone else has that power) but Ken had to sign for receipt of the agreement

In the afternoon Chris was able to make cinnamon rolls one last time at the request of Hermana Goñi. It is so uplifiting to spend time with the young missionaries and feel of their spirits and testimonies. They make us want to be and do better.
Thursday the Ministry passed along several solicitudes that we have been waiting to receive so we can move ahead in preparing them for approval. We were also able to see our project we revived pass one level of approval from the area presidency and wait with baited breath for Monday to jump through the last hoop of approval before being able to send the request to our buyer!
The temple is closed this week and next so we invited out temple friends, the Rolons over for dinner. They are Paraguayan by birth and also US citizens and have an amazing story of faith and doing the Lord's will that has brought them back to Paraguay. We had tacos which is one of Hermana Rolon's favorite meals and laughed alot while playing Quirkle. A wonderful evening.

We also found out on Thursday that there was an area meeting about visas and things will be changing and we will hopefully be getting out temporary residency card like we should have when we arrived. This will give us a more secure feeling when crossing the border to Argentina. Sometimes it feels like we are sent places to shake things up.
Friday we worked hard on all the paperwork we get to do to keep a trail of our projects, approvals, purchases and pictures that document material and supplies given, first visits and deliveries of equipment. More equipment was delivered in Saltos del Guaira for mammography digitalization. This hospital has been calling for a few weeks to let us know they had no more film or chemicals to do mammograms. It is also located about 5-6 hours from Asuncion where the first hospital with a digitilizer is so this project will be providing a broader reach of help.

In the evening we helped decorate,clean,set up chairs and attend the 60th anniversary of the first chapel in Paraguay. Here is the Guarani choir singing I am a Child of God.

For those following our blog because of a love for all things Paraguay, we took few photos and videos you may enjoy from the anniversary celebration. If we can get ahold of the professional one we will share it as well at this link.

This St Patrick's Day card was sent in February and arrived on April 19 full of love from my RS sisters in MN. Thanks
We are grateful our daughter Polly is doing well as she prepares to give birth to a daughter with Oakey by her side on May 6. Our son-in-law Michael has been accepted into the Master's program at Michigan State in vocal performance. And we got this sweet video which made our day earlier in the week from Kensington and Lane. (Gran and Tito are our names for Grandma and Grandpa)

As we said in the beginning we love being here and feel empowered by God's power to do His work. We also feel His grace to make it through the lonely and tough times when we miss home, friends, kids and grandbabies.

Spiritual Understanding for the week:
It isn’t that we disagree with people that makes things wrong. What is wrong is when we put ourselves or other people down in our actions, thoughts or words because we disagree with them.

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