Friday, April 26, 2024

Only Time Will Tell

 Well Monday started with a bang literally. Traffic signs are nearly non existent here in Paraguay. We were t-boned at an intersection. Gratefully no one was hurt and our car was not badly damaged. Both cars were able to drive to the police station to fill out reports. Not the best way to start the week but we were still able to only miss our first appointment of the day and head out for our second and third.


Tuesday we were given the go ahead to have container offices (2) moved to the Centro de Salud 10 which is across the street from us. They are a wonderful group of people really trying to make healthcare better for the people of Asunción. It is also endearing that they call us Señor Elder and Señora Chris.

More visiting and meetings about getting our temporary residency card but we are hoping there is more action behind the scenes to get this resolved as we have heard of no progress or timeline. Someone who had to get one for an exchange student said it was quite easy so hopefully we will have good news soon.

Tuesday evening thunderstorms from our balcony



Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday we visited a few of the special needs facilities in the greater Asunción area. The one on Monday was a live-in facility. The other two days were schools. It is amazing to see the love the directors have for their students and a desire to make their schools and living arrangements more adequate.

More gifts from the sweet students

On Wednesday we also visited with the First Lady (Govenrnor's wife) of Alto Paraná. She came to our office with some amazing ideas. One was to buy tools for the prision so they could make chairs for school children. We were very happy that she was thinking about the problem she was trying to solve and a way she could lift others in the process. After all that is what ministering is, bringing hope to others.

She was touched by this pictures that hangs on one of the walls in our office. She stopped to take it in on her way out so we sent her a digital copy and an explanation of the story behind it.

On the language learning front, Chris was left in the room with the first lady's assistant for about 10 minutes and mangaed to carry on an intelligible conversation. 

Mems and Steve called in the evening and a few friends gave us shout outs via texts during the day, always a highlight.

Thursday we thought we were going to be able to catch up with our worldwind of projects but we were instead able to enjoy people dropping by the office unannounced and some awesome Arroz con leche from our lunch buddy Sandra. 

Here is our video of the week. It is of our grandson, Cooper hitting a double.

Friday morning came with a call from our grandsons and in the afternoon we enjoyed a call from our oldest daughter Kenzi. How we love our kids and grandkids!

Another week zoomed by and next week is May. We already have two trips to the Chaco happening in May and June and we are hoping to help with a conference service project that may be in the works. Some of our projects are getting big enough that we work with our specialist in Salt Lake City. It has been great to grow in understanding of the why's behind the things they ask us to do. We are understanding that it isn't about just getting people the things they need but helping them be accountable for the things or training they receive. We want to help them to improve their lives not just for the moment but forever. Think celestial works is humanitarian work too.

This is a book that Chris is reading in Spanish about the history of the Church in Paraguay(for those Paraguay folks a newer addition is on Amazon for $14.95). It is quite interesting. The second picture is in the book and is a famous painting that shows the devastation of the wars of Paraguay and the strength of the women who picked up the pieces and continued on. (Google translate on your phone allows you to have your own seerstone /Urim and Thummin. The words under that picture were translated as the picture was taken.)

Spiritual Thought: Another week rolls by and we can't believe we are in our 60's still figuring things out and deepening our understanding of what a disciple of Christ does. A disciple of Christ isn't perfect but is always turning to and remembering God. A disciple doesn't want to separate himself from God. Christ overcame death or the separation from God both physically and spiritually. Are we choosing to turn away from that help and power or turn toward Him with faith in that power and help only He can give? We are grateful we are still learning. Have a great week.


  1. I love reading about all your spiritual adventures each week. Phone calls from home are definitely a tender mercy. We love you guys and pray for you. Keep up the great work!! Lots of love Debbie and Darren.

  2. I am very late in responding and reading your emails. It has been quite a month. We love hearing about all of your growth and hard work and adventures in Paraguay. We talked to your mom and Steve quite a while a couple days ago. They are in Rhode Island now. Have a great week. ❤️


Our Meridian in Time

 Zoom went this week in such pleasant and happy ways! Lots of love from all over shined on us and it felt wonderful and helped us get throug...