Friday, May 3, 2024

We Are Not Mindreaders or Codebreakers

 This week has been mostly ups with a few heartbreaks. Humanitarian projects are like a dance. Some are fast and some are slow. Sometimes it is more like musical chairs because there is no clear direction and your chair could be pulled out from under you at anytime. We can tell you we know we are supposed to be here and that Heavenly Father is in the details but sometimes certain days, we really need to reach for Him to make it through.

Last Saturday we went to eat across the street from the office. We heard they had hummus, falafal and baba ganuch. Ken had papas con cheddar and lomito. It was fun to sit and eat with a great view of the temple.

On Sunday Chris said the opening prayer in Sacrament meeting after having a heart attack when asked and taught with the Hermanas after church by reading a scripture and bearing her testimony. Ken was busy helping give blessings to other members.

The Hermanas came for lunch. Later we had a Facebook video chat with our missionary friends, the Cheathams who are serving in Argentina. No picture but great conversation. They do projects as Member and Leader Support missionaries but on a more personal level than we do. We went right from that conversation to our English Connect 2 class and then on to a great visit with Carter.

Remember we thought it was getting cooler? We know it is, but is 95% humidity in the 90's really that cooler? The AC is back on and our friend told us that there are two estaciónes (the word for seasons) in Paraguay - Summer estación and the train estación. We laughed and agreed.

Tuesday our Humanitarian supervisor was traveling and so our senior missionary Teams meeting had no added assignments and we laughed alot. There is something about being together with other people who are sacrificing time away from home and family that brings comfort to our souls.

For lunch we enjoyed an asado with everyone from Centro Office to celebrate Labor Day. You can not imagine the amount of meat! And for dessert, a pint of gelato! YOLO! 

After lunch we had a wonderful visit with a missionary couple that is assigned to work with the Organization of American States, every country from Canada to Argentina is part of the organization. We are going to be working with them to get a service project for hygiene kits. Again it was nice to be with people willing to move ahead and listen.

Wednesday was South American Labor day. Everyone all over South America took the day off. We took the day to get things done in the office without interruptions. It was a great morning and we got a notice that a project was approved from Salt Lake we think? Well we were told and we are hoping there isn't a glitch in moving forward.

In the evening the son of our lunch buddy Sandra was going to the temple for the first time and we were invited. What an honor to be with three generations of Paraguayan members. Sandra's mama was one of the first people baptized in the former Moroni Chapel were the temple now stands.  Sunday they invited us to their house for another asado and we are going to bring apple pie. Wednesday has been such a fun day to visit the temple because the workers have become our friends. They are so kind and welcoming.

Thursday was the rough day. Interestingly enough we left early and a huge storm came. A blessing to make it home before the heavy storm started. That is what our day seemed to be like as well, a heavy storm. Thinking we are moving ahead to be told we are two steps behind or totally off the path. We both don't like having to play "read my mind, oops you got it wrong", but that is what it feels like.  OK that is our making it real part of our missionary work this week. Nothing a cup of Paraguay ice cream can't help.

On Friday we made another stab at visiting with the Ministry of Education. We had a great time. It is always fun to see people go from wary to hopeful to interactive. It is a huge project of getting classroom libraries in a huge number of schools to improve the reading abilities of students in Paraguay. We will have to channel our Salt Lake specialists and spend time refining outcomes and writing measures. We really can't believe how many irons are in our fire. We have sooooo many projects, we are so busy, at times overwhelmed, but always grateful and moving forward.

Videos of the week:

Kenny on xylophone

Polly and Oakey ready to have the baby.
Our spiritual thought comes from Chris's quilting. She has been hand quilting some nights in the evening to relax. She has wanted to do this nativity scene for many years and brought the pattern with her. It isn't as easy a pattern as she first expected but so far it is coming along nicely.
When she finished with the Mary block she wondered if it would be enough but it just isn't complete without Joseph. That is how Heavenly Father feels about everyone in His family. He wants us all there, He wants us all gathered and we have the power to gather others in the name of His Son. Christ overcame death and separation. Without the mercy and power of His Son we are not complete and will be separated. Let's try and gather together instead of apart. Look for ways we can unite in the cause of God's love and his type of peace.

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