Friday, May 17, 2024

"Well, it's two hearts and one dream"

Well, it's ok, it's so nice
It's just another day in paradise
Well, there's no place that I'd rather be
Well, it's two hearts and one dream
I wouldn't trade it for anything
And I ask the Lord every night, ooh
For just another day in paradise
-Phil Vasser

Another week goes racing by in the heartland of South America. Much of it was full of love and healing. When we look for the loving hand of the Lord in our lives helping us become more loving, patient, kind, merciful and long suffering like He is, we can be grateful for the rain and the sun in our lives. Both serve a purpose to prepare us to be like Him, he overcame all of it so with His help and direction we can too.

Monday Chris woke up with a headache but went to work for the first half of the day. She came home and instead of taking a nap phoned a friend. It was a great catch up. Ken stayed at the office and helped a recently returned missionary with his resumé.
Some of the Young Women performing a dance on Independence Day

Tuesday was Paraguay Independence day and although no one else was at work in Paraguay we still had our senior missionary meeting and did some work until lunch. We walked home for lunch and then Chris stayed to clean and move the living room around. Ken went back to the office to organize files. In the evening the Relief Society (the women's organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) had a celebration of mothers. We had some fun and Chris's team won both games (video of one game below). Chris got home in time to have a chat with another friend and another great catch up!

A rose with a chocolate bonbon for Mothers

Tuesday night one of the sisters at church taught Chris a new word in Guaraní, jarýi. She told Chris it meant muy bien or very well. Wednesday morning she tried it out on the guard who told her it was a slang way to say very well but it really means abuela, grandmother. He said use of the word as slang comes from the fact that grandmothers always know what's good. This Gran has to agree. 

The whole time we have been out on our mission we have prayed for our family to heal. There are a lot of reasons too personal to share in this public forum. Sometimes it is tough to see the long view and we focus on the immediate. Wednesday was our Sarah's birthday and Dia de Madre, we enjoyed some healing and peace. Our present from Sarah.

We want to share a sweet little thing that happened on Wednesday. It has been a tradition at our home since Sarah died, to leave a candy in her Christmas stocking and find it the next year. (Sorry if that grosses anyone out. It actually happened by accident and the kids came to the conclusion, Sarah had left it for them so we kept up the tradition.) It is finally sweater weather in Paraguay(or winter coats for the Paraguayans) so Chris pulled a sweater on Wednesday to wear to work. She reached in her pocket and found some mini Reese's peanutbutter cups. Nothing miraculous in Chris having left them there while in the Mission Training Center but timing is not coincidental. Also you can't find Reese's here in Paraguay, so although slightly stale, they were still heaven sent.
Our strawberry shortcake to celebrate Sarah's birthday was a little different this year. Strawberries from a can, whipped cream from a powder (it was gross and tasted like the smell of the market where we bought it.) But on the blessings side, this was the first day it was cold enough for the coconut oil to solidfy to make better baking powder biscuts for the shortcake.

We finished off the day with time in the temple and the love of friends around us. Questions from a friend for her school project triggered reminders of how we want to emulate Heavenly Father in the way we treat others. 

It's sad that on nearly a daily basis we see prejudice against the Paraguayan people. Some may say it is just stereotyping but isn't that a form of prejudice, pigeonholing people and not letting people progress because of a perceived limitation? On a personal level when we hear it from someone else's mouth it helps us stop and think, how do I treat others and am I trying to hold them back in other ways?

Thursday came and we had big plans that were interrupted by better plans. We were able to accept a certificate on behalf of the church from Fundacion Ebenezer, they help people who can't afford funerals. The Fleitas family are genuine in their desire to help others at a vulnerable time.

Shortly after visiting with the funeral people Chris received a text from her cousin that Chris's aunt on her dad's side had passed away. It is always said to see people leave this world but we are sure there was a happy reunion in heaven on Thursday.

Not long after notifying siblings about Auntie's death, we got a call from the young sister missionaries to see if the left over lasagna previously offered was still available. Chris ran home and added a salad and ice cream to the meal for them. They are the cutest and it was a breather for all of us before going out and working our hardest again.

As Chris was heading back to the office, Ken was meeting a new senior couple from Arizona (we are the only senior couple assigned to Paraguay in the last few years that hasn't been from Arizon. They are definitely better prepared for the temperature, but we are more at home with the heartland lifestyle) They had just arrived in the Paraguay Asuncion Mission on Tuesday and were in the office to receive training because their assignment had been changed from MLS (member and leader support) to Mission Office Finance. While visiting they asked where we were from and Ken said he was from Wyoming and that his wife was from Rhode Island. The sister asked my maiden name. Ken said, Greenhalgh. The Sister said she knew some Greenhalgh's and Ken told her Chris wasn't related to the ones in Arizona. Sister Allen then said she meant the ones in Rhode Island, where she had lived a long time ago. Shortly after, Chris arrived to hear someone calling her by her maiden name. It was Jan Fellows Allen, Chris's young womens leader who is now serving in our mission. Chris didn't recognize her at first but then it was like they hadn't skipped a beat. The Allens had to go get trained but we hope to get together and catch up more soon.

We walked out the door after 5 pm but had sent our hygiene kit service project for FIDELA (Foro Interreligioso de las Americas /Interreligious Forum of the Americas) with the Organization of American States on for approval. This will be exciting because we will be working with a member of our ward here in Paraguay who works tirelessly to help the indigenous people around Asunción.

Got to visit with Chris's sister and her husband on their ride home from grandparent activities. Friendly voices bring comfort and love.

Just found out we have to drop the wipes out of the kits to get approval.

Friday we stopped at the Puesto de Salud Juan Bautista Morel with donation plaques. It had been raining all night and the place to park was so much easier to get in and out with that gravel. What a huge difference! The doctor was busy which is good but we missed her. 

We also visited the National Hospital which is big and getting bigger. They are supposed to be in the planning stages for another hospital or wing that will add 500 beds to the already 700 or so beds they have. These pictures are of the patient's families who camp outside of the hospital in these government set up tents because there is no where else to stay. It got down in the 40's last night with non stop rain. Paraguayans ask for very little and are very ingeneous with the little they have. 

The orange tents in the back are what the families of patients live in while family is in the hospital

Dropped the promised apple pie to our buddy Gustavo at the Albergue along with some donation plaques. He is just such a sweet person. It is such a joy. We both agree it is the smaller projects that make a big impact in unmeasureable ways of goodwill and showing forth the fruits of the gospel. The big projects end up being a very transactional relationship with more of a corporate feel at all levels including the entrega ceremony. We are grateful for the small projects that fill our buckets.

Chris's big brother Rhod turned 62 on Friday so we also chatted with him. It is so nice to know we are all supporting each other in the trip around the sun.

We found some lemon pie filling so we bought two cans, stay tuned for the taste test.

Another great find on Friday was celery salt for potato salad!

Just a bird outside our office window.

We are wondering what will happen to these documents in the travel office. Still haven't found ours Eek!

Spiritual thought: Alma 12:15  There are two phrases "believeth on his name" and "bringing forth fruit meet for repentance." To repent is to turn to God, not only a physical turn but also a turning of our hearts and minds, our whole soul. Do you worship Him as your God? Are you willing to turn from living a life without Him to living a life directed by Him? What are the fruits in your life today of turning toward Him? As we say our prayers at night we can visit with the Lord about the progress we have made in turning to Him and what we can do better tomorrow. In our morning prayers we can ask for direction from Him and pray for opportunities to turn to Him and then look for the wonderful ways both painful and miraculous with which he blesses us to feel his love.

We love you all. It is wonderful that our circle continues to grow in love as we add to it. Have a great week.


  1. Ken and Chris- Congratulations on your beautiful new granddaughter! Many thoughts of you this week💕. I think of you and your mission and dedication and I smile as I know your hearts are overflowing. I miss you and love you my friends! Be safe and healthy! Kathy V

  2. Your posts always make me stop and think more deeply about what you are doing and the service you are giving to the people there. I am always touched by something you have shared about your week. Your faith inspires me to do better!


Our Meridian in Time

 Zoom went this week in such pleasant and happy ways! Lots of love from all over shined on us and it felt wonderful and helped us get throug...