Sunday, June 30, 2024

Our Meridian in Time

 Zoom went this week in such pleasant and happy ways! Lots of love from all over shined on us and it felt wonderful and helped us get through a few disappointments at the end.

Not sure what went on Monday but Tuesday found us at the FIDELA conference where the service project of assembling hygiene kits went really well. We enjoyed working and visiting with our friends from ADRA, Pastoral Social and Defensoria del Pueblo on the project as well as the Langes and Lundbergs who are senior couple missionaries organizing the forum. Another blessing was to see friends from other projects that were participating in the forum. Our friends from Fundacion Solidaridad, the Ministry of Education and the community of Marcharety.

Tuesday one of the ladies from the office, Carolina asked if Chris could practice English with her. Now Chris is going through English Connect lessons with 4 sisters in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It is such a nice break from paperwork and still a way to help the people of Paraguay.

This week Chris prayed about her own Spanish skills and overcoming the fear to speak. Helping these sisters with English gives her the opportunity to practice her Spanish too. Prayer answered in a way she had never thought of. She also has realized that there are people who want to help you learn to speak better and those who will want to use your language weakness to put you down. Who do you want to listen to? Who does Heavenly Father want you to listen to?

Wednesday afternoon the Cheathams came to the office after traveling from Mercedes, Argentina where they are serving a 2 year mission. We didn't get any photos but had a wonderful time in the temple with them on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. We helped with baptisms, confirmations, initiatories, endowments and sealings. 💗💗💗 So much love to be given and received.

So many things to think about but some thoughts that come to mind while at the temple were about the beautiful blessings of the initiatory and how they prepare us for and are symbolic of the marriage covenant. Realizing deeper how the Savior used priesthood power to perform His Atonement that covers and protects us. Through our faith in Christ’s name and power we can do all things and overcome all things according to God’s will just like His Son when we use priesthood power by calling on His name.

We also were able to share lunch with them on Thursday at one of our favorite restaurants and show them the view from our roof. We hope no one things we are bragging about the roof view but sharing it because we feel it is beautiful and we are lucky.

Thursday night was cinnamon roll making. Some of the sisters from church came over to learn how to make cinnamon rolls. Chris went down to the lobby to let them in and forgot her keys. She tried calling Ken on both of his phones, knocking, and ringing the door bell but Ken didn't answer. So the sisters got to go on a tour of the roof. Finally after a neighbor(the one with the yippy dog) came out to complain about the banging Ken heard the phone and come to the door. This detour didn't stop the great results of the cinnamon rolls.

Friday at work was bittersweet. We learned that the Mistolar project is moving forward so we hope when the rainy season starts in Oct/ Nov that families will have tanks to store water in. The project still needs to be approved by upper levels but we have hope.

The bitter side of Friday was that our visa situation is still a mess, our papers that we were required to collect before leaving seem to have vanished and all we were told is area travel will handle it, we don't need to worry about it. The problem is that we have been hearing that since December and we are no further along. And when we hear that and are not included in the process, we wonder how expired papers are going to be used to get valid papers and are they just saying it's being taken care of when in reality nothing is being done?

The reason Chris was teaching cinnamon rolls on Thursday was because Maribel and Fabrizio are getting married Saturday and wanted cinnamon rolls for their wedding. Chris and Ken are gifting them the 5 dozen they need as a wedding gift. Friday after missionary work was done, Chris came home (with her keys) and finished making 4 more dozen until her mixer wouldn't work anymore. We think the mixer must be a knockoff brand as this is the second time it has quit working and Kitchenaid usually are work horses.😢


A few things learned or reminded of from the scriptures this week:

Complainers spread hate, complaining is different than looking for a solution to improve the situation.

The only way we should use priesthood power is in godly ways, protect, provide, organize and create.

July 2nd is our half way mark. We love Paraguay and are grateful for all the opportunities we have had and people we have been able to rub shoulders with.

Everyone have a wonderful 4th of July. Enjoy a smore, corn on the cob, clam cake or scotcheroo for us.

1 comment:

  1. I just love reading about you mission. We miss you here, but know you are e doing a collet work there❣️


Our Meridian in Time

 Zoom went this week in such pleasant and happy ways! Lots of love from all over shined on us and it felt wonderful and helped us get throug...